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About Us

We are an active family (four year old boy) living in the Swiss Alps. Like most sporty people, we enjoy wearing casual clothes that reflect our outdoor passions. Not being satisfied with combining various brands (and their logo's ever present somewhere) to get the job done, we decided to create our own - Seasonal Vagabond (Est. 2023).

Looking forward to have you along for the journey!

Cornelius & Yvonne

Why Seasonal Vagabond?

Where We Live

We live in a small little village tucked away in a corner of the upper Simmental Valley. In the Berner Oberland Region of Kanton Bern, Switzerland. In other words: in the The Swiss Alps 🏔️🇨🇭🫕.

What it Means

Here we experience a big change between the seasons (snow in winter, warm in summer). Which means we adapt our activities depending on the seasons.

The Name

So, we are in a continuous state of wandering between the seasons, like a vagabond (as far as outdoor activities go).

Hence: Seasonal Vagabond.

(See some of our seasonal activities below 👇🏽, and check out our FAQ page for more info)